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Thumb Arthritis Treatment

Thumb Arthritis Treatment Specialist in Sterling Heights, and Dearborn, MI

Common Questions Asked by Patients: How is osteoarthritis of the thumb treated? What does osteoarthritis feel like in thumb? How do I know if I have osteoarthritis in my thumb?

Thumb arthritis is genetic and typically comes with age. Patients with thumb arthritis report pain and weakness with pinching and grasping. Get expert and specialized diagnosis and treatment by a board-certified team of experienced doctors at Specialty Medical Center. For more information, contact us today or schedule an appointment online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Sterling Heights, MI and Dearborn, MI. We serve patients from Sterling Heights MI, Dearborn MI, Detroit MI, Birmingham MI, Allen Park MI, Warren MI, and BEYOND!

Thumb arthritis is genetic and typically comes with age. Patients with thumb arthritis report pain and weakness with pinching and grasping. Get expert and specialized diagnosis and treatment by a board-certified team of experienced doctors at Specialty Medical Center. For more information, contact us today or schedule an appointment online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Sterling Heights, MI and Dearborn, MI. We serve patients from Sterling Heights MI, Dearborn MI, Detroit MI, Birmingham MI, Allen Park MI, Warren MI, and BEYOND!
Thumb arthritis is genetic and typically comes with age. Patients with thumb arthritis report pain and weakness with pinching and grasping. Get expert and specialized diagnosis and treatment by a board-certified team of experienced doctors at Specialty Medical Center. For more information, contact us today or schedule an appointment online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Sterling Heights, MI and Dearborn, MI. We serve patients from Sterling Heights MI, Dearborn MI, Detroit MI, Birmingham MI, Allen Park MI, Warren MI, and BEYOND!

Thumb Arthritis Treatment Specialist Near Me in Sterling Heights, MI and Dearborn, MI
Thumb Arthritis Treatment Specialist Near Me in Sterling Heights, MI and Dearborn, MI

Specialty Medical Center in Michigan

Dearborn, MI

Sterling Heights, MI

  • 5456 15 Mile Rd #101, Sterling Heights, MI 48310
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